So today was supposed to be a second day off for me and I was supposed to head out tomorrow morning. But I was feeling good today, the weather was cooperating and I decided I should 'just do it'. Mostly just in case I don't want to drag my butt out of bed tomorrow morning. And since you all know me well enough by now, you now that chances were slim that I would be awake and keen to 'just do it' at 6am.
Today I did the same NHS podcast that I did Saturday, which included six 90-second runs separated by 2 minute brisk walks. I slowed everything down tonight. I am usually a fast walker, and when I have been running up until now I have been running, for the most part. But since my inner thighs were so sore after Saturday's outing I thought I would give the slow jog business a try and see if that helped my thighs to adjust to more running time during my outing. I noticed that the 90 seconds didn't seem nearly as LONG as it did Saturday. My inner thighs still got sore after the third round of running, but it wasn't until after the 5th round that they were really sore. After the 6th round I had to walk past my neighbours with the phrase 'if I stop, I won't make it home'.
My pace was slower tonight than any other outing, I think that was because of my slow jogging and slower walking. But do you know what I noticed when I was stretching afterwards??
I think I am developing muscles in the tops of my legs. Weird.
I know I'm not the only person with little aches and pains from exercising. Have you gotten out or done something yet this week? A colleague who did the 10k at the Johnny Miles yesterday (we'll call him Mark...since that's his name...*giggle*) told me that lots of people walk the 5k's at these races. So if you want a challenge but aren't up for running, why not walk a 5k? I think my first 5k will be a walk/run combination - but it's better than sitting on the couch dreaming about it and never doing anything.
Tomorrow is shoe shopping day!
And we booked our trip today. Jamaica - here we come, mon.
Gotta go - post run snack time, round 2!
Is this thing on?
Well hello there. Long time no see. I stopped writing this blog after my
last virtual race in 2020 because I stopped running. Why? I was pregnant
and whi...
9 months ago
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