But, after almost a whole evening of wasted time in front of the computer, I have figured out this ipod. For three weeks I couldn't get the songs to play in the order I wanted them to. Then tonight I tried to load the NHS Couch to 5k podcast for week 2 and I couldn't play it.
After spending some quality time with google, I have figured out how to FIND the podcast on my new ipod shuffle AND....how to find my play list and put it in the order I want. I am so excited I feel like I should go running now!!!!
Since it's 10:13pm and I hate the thought of a late night run in with a bear or a pothole, I guess I'll wait until the morning.
Is this thing on?
Well hello there. Long time no see. I stopped writing this blog after my
last virtual race in 2020 because I stopped running. Why? I was pregnant
and whi...
7 months ago
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