The Running Supermom

The Running Supermom
Everyone needs goals!

Thursday, July 7, 2011


Hum.........I am thinking that day 2 in any of the 9 weeks is the pivotal point. Day 1 is new and exciting and day 3 is "getting it done" so you can move on to another challenge. Day 2 you already know what to expect (and how painful it will be) and the only thing you need to look forward to is one more day of the same.

Good news is I got through Week 3 Day 2. Laura (the nice woman on the podcast) told me that I had to get through it even if I want to stop. It is "very important". I wonder if I stopped halfway through would she know. I admit I am a little worried about that.

Day 3 on Saturday - there goes any plan on sleeping in.

1 comment:

WandaWoman said...

I agree - day 2 is the hard day of the week. You are still a little sore from the extended running time on day 1, and plus it is HOT out!