So after finishing up my gardening last night, I told my neighbours that I was setting my alarm for 5:45 to get up and fit this walk in today. Let's be clear - I am not a morning person. At all. Normally I hit snooze for an hour before my feet hit the floor, and a lot of days it's only because Todd shows up with food for me that I actually decide it would be a good idea to look alive. Sometimes I even hear him on his way up the stairs and I sit up right quick and pretend I was awake for awhile and just 'hanging out'. I suppose he has the patience of a saint.
By the time I went to bed last night, I didn't bother with 5:45. I knew there was no way I was getting up at that time of day! But when the alarm went off at 6:15 I surprised myself and jumped out of bed, got my teeth brushed, had a bowl of Special K with fresh raspberries in it (yum!) and headed out the door by 6:35. Since the sun was shining beautifully when I woke up (after 55 days of limited sunshine and lots of rain), it helped with the desire to get moving!
Since today was a 30 minute effort, I changed my route. The length of the route was good - 3km, and I was done in about 30 minutes. However, there turned out to be a fair number of hills in this route. Up Tyler Street, down Kali lane, up White Road all the way to the top - that's a LONG hill, around the corner and believe it or not, just as I was looking forward to cruising all the way DOWN Lacy Anne to home I discovered there is actually an uphill on Lacy Anne at the top before you start down the slow slope to my house. 'Waterloo' carried me through that last challenge. ;-)
No attempt at running today. The mixture of the gravel on Kali and the up and down hills was enough to convince me that running was not a good idea today. Here's my route map:
I almost took a picture of what the world looks like at 6:30am to convince the rest of you that it's a great time to go for a walk. Or possibly it was to help remind me on Thursday that it would still be a good idea.
The funniest part of this outing was actually when I arrived back home and walked in the front door. The kids were sitting at the table eating breakfast, and were totally stunned that Mom got out of bed and did that much exercise before they were even up. The looks of disbelief on their faces were priceless.
And to top it all of, I have eaten healthy food for three days. Granted, substituting wine for dinner last night wasn't a wise choice but I blame that on a neighbour who kept yelling about cold beer while I was doing my gardening work in the heat. Since we had no beer, I was stuck with wine. A funny sight you know, seeing a woman in her dirty garden garb with a real glass-glass of wine. Anyway, enough of the street stories. Only bad things can come of that.
Is this thing on?
Well hello there. Long time no see. I stopped writing this blog after my
last virtual race in 2020 because I stopped running. Why? I was pregnant
and whi...
10 months ago